Coins for in game trade

Coins for in game trade
Coins for in game trade
Only 455 available

The wooden carved coins used in the LARP both grant access to the Drinks and Snacks provided by AtSSG LARP staff, but additional coins can be used to get special actions or potions to cast on the character created by the NPC Myrddin the All-Powerful Keeper of the Traveling Save Haven. A list of magic potions will be at the table for food and snacks in the starting room each night. Were the convention permits.

Coins can also be used to gain special information and events in the game as well as be used to bribe other players to join in your actions.  Coins can be used in 2022 to buy normal items such as Item cards, RPS Dice, and in-game Artifacts as well.

Coins can be acquired at the LARP on the first night just before or after the start of the game on each night played.  Coins are a keepsake as well and can be used in future games.

For the cost of three of these coins, the Potion Item Card can also be acquired from a Storyteller.  The three coins buy you the ability for your character to consume any combination of magic potions from the list to replenish your character or boost your character’s next action to legendary levels.