Magic Potion Cards

Magic Potion Cards
Magic Potion Cards
Only 179 available

A representation of collected potions from The Moody Badger Tavern in Game crafted for all types of Prodigals.

For only the cost of three Drachma, or $15 this card is issued and can be used five times for the replenishment of a spent essence. To replace spent dots in, Angst, Blood, Conviction, Glamour, Gnosis, Quintessence, or Torment, used in-game.  Can also be used to refill spent Energy Points in the Anime “Isekai” Larps. 

When used in the Game the cards will have a potion pic punched out by one of the Storytellers at the time of use.

Depending on the Event the Potions can be used for other effects.

Please contact with any questions about this in-game use card.

Cards can be picked up at any AtSSG Event from the signup table.